
Don't ever lose the kid in you...let it make you smile in times you needed it most

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The trains of thoughts

The streams of ideas expressed,
the interconnection of its trails
…and then the wanderings.
Who can unlock the secrets within one’s mind?
Who can open the secrets within one’s heart?
I wish I can reach the end of the tunnel
   where my mind is drifting
…the trains of thoughts I started.
I wish I can connect all the trails where my thoughts run
And I wish…the gate will open
Not because I willed it to
But because…
this is where your trains of thoughts go.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

forgotten footprints

Sometimes we forget that we left footprints somewhere
and that they're still embedded there until now.
We only realize that we have had because someone or something made us remember.
A scent, a song, a place...

This "thing" triggers something within us and like a lightning; we're back to that moment.
The flashback of memories... maybe happy, maybe sad, and maybe...painful.

Our thoughts, our feelings, our faith...how strong can we be?
The moments… the footprints...until when?
The embeds are in the heart...just hidden but they're...still there!

Monday, September 27, 2010

I can’t take it anymore…..please help!

Don’t touch me…the pain is excruciating…it’s like pulsing…I can’t take it anymore. 

Please help! I don’t want to be taken away. Give me medicine; give me something to ease the pain…Can we not patch things up?

Please, my master, don’t let me go. I have served you faithfully. I’ve been with you ever since you’re still a child... don’t ever forsake me this time. 

It’s you who didn’t take care of me. Your neglect of me is the main reason why I’m in this mess right now, but I will forgive you if you help me now.

I know I'm just a poor little tooth, but I've been a vital part of your life. You cannot smile anymore the way you do if I'll be gone totally...so think seriously about it.

Renewal of License

My experience every time I renew my license (every 3 years), is almost always the same. Although, every renewal, I noticed that I am in another place again. The realization just occurred to me today.

Different places, different people at the office and different processes, although the procedures were similar.
The medical examination slightly differs; the drug tests (which fees increase every time); the time consumed in finishing everything, varies with the place too. 

Smaller city, fewer cars, fewer drivers: the easier to get the papers.

a passing thought

I watch the morning news the other morning; the issue was about the proposed change of the present "plastic Driver's License" to a paper version. Listening to the arguments of the pro-paper change and the one who is against the conversion, I can't help wondering why the change again? There were no complaints whatsoever in precedence with the proposals, why was it then the amendments? for what?

Sometimes we can't blame people if they question every move that is being made by the people in the higher places of our country. Past experiences made them doubt the sincerity of the officials in their  implementation of their duties. It's just saddening. Some Filipinos are making outstanding performances outside the country to make us proud...but those are eclipsed by the negative deeds by the influentials.

It's just a passing thought.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm at the end of my tether

Have you been to a work situation wherein you are inspired because the flow of thoughts  is so smooth and the ideas are like fountains of words, then suddenly without any warning, the power went off? Grrrr...if it's a person, i have had strangled him.

That's what happened yesterday. And that's not the worst of it. Today, i was awakened by too much sweating...yes, the aircon was not functioning because the power was off...again. Some said that when you start the day with a smile, your whole day will be a happy one. Today, how can I smile? My day started badly. "Be positive" I told myself; "find things" that will make you feel better. But what will make the day better if the ice was defrost, how can i make my iced fruit drinks which is how i always start my day? How can i finish what i was working yesterday  if there is no power? How can i do something useful when the inside of the house is like a sauna? If i go outside, there is no porch or garden to allay my growing irritations...hah! I'm  getting mad...I feel like I'm almost at the end of my tether. My patience is stretched to the limit.

"Think...think...you're a sensible person" i kept telling myself...but what should I do in times like these?

What experts say about situations where in you're about to box the first thing or person you see?
I've read several articles about anger management , but at times like this, it feels like i can't remember them anymore. I've tried to smile, but it feels like the muscles are forced and I don't want to add some facial problems to the present dilemma.

What should I do? Hah!..I went to the bathroom and try to make a "decision".Take a freezing bath?brrrrrrrrr...I'm not used to cold bath, I always have a hot one. Hmmm...Okay, I'll take the "risk"...choose the "lesser evil"...take a cold bath, or "roast" myself in the heat.

But you know?, the cold bath really erases the irritations and the freezing water makes me forget my sentiments.Now I know why cold water is a remedy to "frustrations" he-he, this time, for a different reason, but the result is the same. It is like a "first aid"... and it cools the heat; physically and emotionally.It is refreshing...just bear the first "paralyzing" cold.

I'll just worry later, if the brown out continues. But for now, I'm okay...just hoping, the power failure  will not be for long.

Friday, September 24, 2010

from kitchen to the floor

Haven't heard the line before? NO, it's not a song...but maybe i'll make it one, just add some more lines and presto! I am now a song writer...ha-ha-ha that will be the day...but, it's a wonderful idea...what d'ya say?

Hayyy... yes, from kitchen to the floor...not mentioning the bedroom (if you close the door, the unfixed bedding can't be seen...i'll fix it later) you're having an idea now what i'm talking about...still no?...maybe you're single and don't have kitchen, just floor... lol! funny.

Even Saturdays(which usually is a day off for moms) i have to get up and prepare things. My bf is going out early and already prepared the coffee and have taken his. I won't feel good if i go back to my  rendezvous  in my dreamland and let the morning sun rose higher and hotter without a kiss from him...my bf's not enough...kidding.

The kitchen, you can imagine and see in your mind's eyes, but the floor? oh yes, that's another matter...i will post later how "wide" our living room is and how it becomes my "gym". I am having a break right now before taking a bath because i'm so SWEATY...but still sweet.

Be back later.........