Have you been to a work situation wherein you are inspired because the flow of thoughts is so smooth and the ideas are like fountains of words, then suddenly without any warning, the power went off? Grrrr...if it's a person, i have had strangled him.
That's what happened yesterday. And that's not the worst of it. Today, i was awakened by too much sweating...yes, the aircon was not functioning because the power was off...again. Some said that when you start the day with a smile, your whole day will be a happy one. Today, how can I smile? My day started badly. "Be positive" I told myself; "find things" that will make you feel better. But what will make the day better if the ice was defrost, how can i make my iced fruit drinks which is how i always start my day? How can i finish what i was working yesterday if there is no power? How can i do something useful when the inside of the house is like a sauna? If i go outside, there is no porch or garden to allay my growing irritations...hah! I'm getting mad...I feel like I'm almost at the end of my tether. My patience is stretched to the limit.
"Think...think...you're a sensible person" i kept telling myself...but what should I do in times like these?
What experts say about situations where in you're about to box the first thing or person you see?
I've read several articles about anger management , but at times like this, it feels like i can't remember them anymore. I've tried to smile, but it feels like the muscles are forced and I don't want to add some facial problems to the present dilemma.
What should I do? Hah!..I went to the bathroom and try to make a "decision".Take a freezing bath?brrrrrrrrr...I'm not used to cold bath, I always have a hot one. Hmmm...Okay, I'll take the "risk"...choose the "lesser evil"...take a cold bath, or "roast" myself in the heat.
But you know?, the cold bath really erases the irritations and the freezing water makes me forget my sentiments.Now I know why cold water is a remedy to "frustrations" he-he, this time, for a different reason, but the result is the same. It is like a "first aid"... and it cools the heat; physically and emotionally.It is refreshing...just bear the first "paralyzing" cold.
I'll just worry later, if the brown out continues. But for now, I'm okay...just hoping, the power failure will not be for long.